maria zerfall "strand bei mondlicht" + brighter   death now "payday" +  grim "bremen 1" +

imminent "lost highway 45" + haus arafna "swastika kommando" + haus arafna "für immer" +

haus arafna "blot out your soul" + haus arafna "he coloured me blind" + november növelet

"misantrophy" + november növelet "shouts of joy" + genocide organ "hail america" +

genocide organ "vive la guerre" + thorofon "black september" + esplendor geometrico

"sinaya" + esplendor geometrico "hemen nago" + atrax morgue "sexual object" + pal

"concrete rage" + militia "mikael bakunin" + today i`m dead "feuer..." + today i`m dead

"rape me" + wumpscut "untermensch" + predominance "aurora borealis" + winterkälte

"nox over europe" + tumor "stahldepression" + pineal gland zirbeldruese "eleven" +

b`naith b`rith "sturmfront" +  nod "and into flesh shall i return" + mental measuretech

"turtle recall" + mental measuretech "thalita kumi" + non "total war" + projecto mirage

"pain little treasure" + call "bondage" + moata omen "ash nazg (act 11)" + la maison

moderne "spiel süßer" + dive " snakedressed" +  turbund sturmwerk "orkan im haar" +

turbund sturmwerk "gloria mundi" +  siechtum "dunkler" + areane 5 "major tom"  +

+ ostara "operation  valkrie"+ ordo equilibrio "the perplexity of hybris- i glorify myself" +

ordo equilibrio "ashen like love and black like the snow" +  the moon lay hidden beneath

a cloud +  der blutharsch ("from shoulder to shoulder") + der blutharsch ("kampf sieg oder tot")

+  der blutharsch ("gott strafe england") +   allerseelen "traumlied" + fire & ice "noxialicht" +

fire & ice "birdking" + backworld "come with joy" + backworld "the devil`s plaything"  +

death in june "kameradschaft" +  death in june "she said destroy" + death in june "we drive

east"  +  changes "waiting for the fall" + sol invictus  "against the modern world" +

sol invictus "long live death" + sol invictus "black easter" + sol invictus "sheath & knife" +

blood axis "the march of brian boru" +  blood axis "the hangman and the papist" + current 93

"they returned to their earth" + current 93 "the death of the corn" +  ernte "sonnenwende" +

waldteufel "wolfsstund" + waldteufel "von saat und ernte" + forseti "heilige welt" + orplid

"im sturm" + dies natalis "ein wanderer also..." + novy svet / circus joy "alvitata" + six comm

"dream 39" + six comm / motherdestruction "hella" + spell "seasons in the sun" + darkwood

"the dusk draws near" + burzum   "dunkelheit" + kirlian camera "eclipse" + dead can dance

"the host of seraphim" + camerata mediolanense "lili marleen" + hekate " sonnentanz" +

hekate "die gedanken sind frei" +  fire & ice "corpus christi" +  of the wand & the moon

"raven chant" + scivias "die before dying" + nature & organisation "bloodstreamruns"  +

nature & organisation "a dozen summer" + jack or jive "a march for new european" ....


....dies  ist  nur  ein  kleiner   auszug  aus  unserem  reportoire , was  wir  letztendlich

spielen  hängt  natürlich  vom   jeweiligen  musikdirektor , seiner  laune  und  den   besuchern  ab...